Articles, Guides, and Advice from The Dorazio Real Estate Team

From Dream to Reality: How I Helped a Veteran Client buy a 4-Flat with Zero Dollars in Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Discover how I helped an Air Force veteran buy a $965k 4-flat in Chicago with zero out-of-pocket expenses using a VA loan. This journey involved overcoming unexpected challenges and highlighted the importance of having a knowledgeable team experienced in VA loans and multifamily investments. Learn how strategic planning and thorough due diligence can unlock incredible wealth-building opportunities for veterans.

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11 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 22 And Getting Started In Real Estate

Discover the 11 essential lessons I wish I knew when I started investing in real estate at 22. From leveraging loans and finding mentors to focusing on strengths and understanding taxes, these insights will help you avoid common mistakes and fast-track your success. Click to learn how to shape your future one property at a time!

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